Dental Implants Las Vegas are made of titanium and can fuse directly with the jaw bone (a process known as osseointegration). They are extremely strong and do not move around in the mouth like dentures.

The best part is that they look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Dental implants restore facial structure, prevent bone loss, and improve speech and chewing.

Dental implants: A 5-step plan to restoring your teeth | Aging | Discovery  | UT Southwestern Medical Center

One of the biggest benefits dental implants offer is their ability to prevent bone loss. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone no longer gets the pressure and force needed to stay strong and healthy. It must be replaced as soon as possible to keep the bone from weakening. Dental implants are the only tooth restoration option that preserves the jaw bone and prevents the atrophy that can occur if the tooth is not replaced.

In other tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges, the teeth are placed atop the gums and do not stimulate the jaw bone like the natural tooth did. This can cause the bone to weaken and atrophy over time, leading to additional dental problems. Dental implants can prevent this by anchoring into the jaw bone, stimulating it as the patient chews and bites.

Aside from preventing bone loss, dental implants can also prevent the deterioration of surrounding teeth and the change in facial shape often occurring when a tooth is missing. When a person loses several teeth, the face can take on a sunken appearance, also known as facial collapse. This happens when the bone below the missing teeth deteriorates, leading to the chin losing its prominence compared to the nose and cheek.

Dental implants can help prevent this deterioration by acting as an artificial tooth root. The implant will transmit the normal force and pressure from everyday chewing, biting, and smiling into the jaw bone, which can help to keep it strong and healthy.

Sometimes, the implant must be surgically inserted into the jaw bone, known as an implant site. This is done under local anesthesia to minimize pain and discomfort. Once the implant is placed, it will heal and fuse to the jaw bone in osseointegration. Patients may need to use a temporary prosthesis while the implant heals during this period.

While tooth replacement options like bridges and removable partial dentures have to rely on the surrounding teeth for support and stability, dental implants are the only alternative that preserves the natural position of your teeth. Implants keep the bite stable and prevent the strain that would otherwise affect your neighboring teeth and the adjacent bone structure. The gap left by a missing tooth can cause the neighboring teeth to shift into the vacant space, affecting your chewing and speaking abilities and your appearance.

Aside from restoring your smile, dental implants promote proper bite alignment, mitigating the risk of long-term oral health issues. With their superior aesthetics and structural integrity, dental implants are the perfect solution to restore your confidence in smiling and speaking.

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone to create an anchor that mimics the function of the natural tooth root. Moreover, implants are the only restoration that integrates with the jawbone to promote optimum bone health. The titanium material used for implants is biologically compatible with the surrounding tissue, preventing the deterioration of the bone.

The dental implant anchors the gum line and supports the surrounding natural teeth, preventing them from shifting into the space. This helps prevent further damage to the natural teeth, reduces unnecessary stress on the jaw joint, and prevents future health complications.

While dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, they require regular care to ensure their longevity. This includes maintaining a healthy diet, practicing good oral hygiene, and following recovery instructions after the procedure. You should also avoid smoking and tobacco use, as these increase the risk of complications.

Schedule a consultation with a qualified ADA board-certified oral surgeon to determine if dental implants are right for you. They will conduct a comprehensive oral examination, assessing the condition of your remaining teeth, gums, and jawbone density with X-rays and scans. They will provide a detailed assessment and explain the benefits of dental implants. The dentist will consider your lifestyle and preferences to recommend the best treatment option. They will also address any questions or concerns about the treatment.

When you lose teeth, the underlying bone tissue that supports them weakens. This is called facial collapse. It is a serious issue that can lead to a sunken appearance, affecting your aesthetics and oral function. This is why it is important to replace missing teeth promptly with dental implants. Dental implants provide stimulating force in the jawbone, preventing it from deteriorating. This prevents a chain reaction where the health of the adjacent teeth, gums, and jawbone deteriorates further, making more problems for you to deal with.

Implants are made of titanium, a bio-compatible metal with the human body, and fuse to the jawbone to form a strong foundation for replacement teeth. The bone fusion process is known as osseointegration. Other materials may be used in the future, but titanium remains the most popular due to its durability and strength.

Dental implants have a high success rate. When complications do arise, they are usually the result of poor oral health and inadequate home care or a bad diagnosis in the initial consultation.

However, implants are also expensive. They require several office visits, imaging, one or more surgeries, anesthesia, and custom-made replacement teeth. This is why they are not covered by insurance; most patients must pay for them out of pocket.

Traditional dentures tend to slide around the mouth, which causes discomfort and irritates the gums. In addition, they do not maintain the natural bite force, which can cause the surrounding teeth to deteriorate. The lack of chewing power can also affect the patient’s nutrient intake since food is not properly broken down. This can lead to gastrointestinal disorders and other health issues.

Dental implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss. With proper care, they can last a lifetime. They can be a great option for patients who want to replace missing teeth but do not wish to wear removable dentures. They can also support a fixed denture, eliminating the need for messy adhesives and making eating and drinking much easier.

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement solution that stimulates the bone to preserve it. This prevents the resorption of the bone that would otherwise occur and the subsequent loss of adjacent teeth. Furthermore, unlike other tooth replacement options, such as bridges or partial dentures, dental implants don’t require drilling down and modifying nearby healthy teeth to anchor them in place. This not only preserves the strength and health of your natural teeth but also helps avoid additional complications in the future.

Implants are designed to replace the entire tooth structure down to the roots. This helps to retain and stimulate the surrounding bone, making it stronger and healthier for the remaining natural teeth and facial structure. They can also help to reduce the stress on the remaining natural teeth and jaw.

Because they look, feel, and act so much like your natural teeth, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and routine maintenance appointments at the dentist. However, like natural teeth, they must be brushed at least twice daily and flossed regularly. It is important to make sure that your dental implants are kept free of plaque and tartar build-up, as well.

While dental implants are an effective treatment for missing or failing teeth, they are not suitable for everyone. A patient must have enough bone in the upper or lower jaw to support the implant and a healthy mouth and gums. Heavy smokers, patients with uncontrolled chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, and those who have had radiation therapy to the head/neck region may experience slower healing times and a reduced success rate.

Before dental implant surgery, the doctor will take X-rays to determine how much bone remains in the jaw and whether a bone graft is needed. The graft is taken from the hip, rib, or chin and surgically applied to the jaw bone. The bone takes four to six months to heal and become sufficiently strong to support an implant.